Charter and Terms of Use of the "Krello" Application

Article 1: Objective
1.1 Purpose:
This Charter of Use (hereinafter referred to as "the Charter") aims to define the conditions for using the Krello application accessible primarily at the URL referred to as "the Application") for Algerian users (hereinafter referred to as "Users").

1.2 Publisher Identity:
The User is informed that the application is published by the company: "Krello".

1.3 Contact with the Company:
The User can contact the company via:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +213 (0) 770264508 , +213 (0) 770716301

Article 2: Definitions

For the purposes of this Charter, capitalised words have the following meanings:

2.1 Real estate partners or trusted agents:
Refers to real estate professionals who have subscribed to a publication contract with the company for rental and/or sale advertisements on the application.

2.2 Mobile application:
Refers to the interactive electronic service provided by the company, accessible primarily via
or by downloading the application via: Google Play or App Store and allows access to its services.

2.3 Mobile application server:
Refers to the servers hosting the application, installed and provided by the company for users.

2.4 Services:
Refers to the services provided by the company via its mobile application, described in Article 4 of this Charter.

2.5 User:
Refers to any person accessing the application for strictly private use as a rental seeker or advertiser as a property owner or real estate agency.

Article 3: Scope, acceptance and amendment of the Charter

3.1 Purpose:
This Charter aims to define the conditions under which the User benefits from the services provided by the company via its mobile application.
All the services provided by the company and available to the User on the application are detailed.

3.2 Acceptance:
The registration, access, or use of the services constitutes acceptance by the User of the terms of this Charter without any restriction or reservation.

3.3 Modifications:
As this Charter may be modified, the applicable conditions are those accessible on the application at the date of the User's access.

3.4 Revisions:
The company reserves the right to modify this Charter at any time. Users must therefore regularly review it to be aware of any changes.

Article 4: Access and Availability of Services

4.1 Access to services:
The services are available online exclusively via the company's application.

4.2 Availability of services:
The company strives to make its services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of maintenance of services, servers, and/or the application. The company is only bound by a best-efforts obligation. It reserves the right to modify or suspend, at any time, temporarily or permanently, all or part of the services without prior notice to users and without any right to compensation.

Article 5: Guarantees, Liability, and Force Majeure

5.1 User Guarantees:
By accessing the company's application, the User declares, guarantees, and agrees to:
- Access and use the application and services in good faith, reasonably, and not contrary to the terms of this Charter, for personal purposes only and not for profit.
- Not use devices or software other than those provided by the company to attempt to influence the proper functioning of the application and/or services.
- Not access and/or use the application and/or services provided by the company for illegal purposes or to cause harm to the reputation and image of the company or to violate the rights, including intellectual property rights, of the company and/or third parties.
- Not commercially or indirectly trade the services and/or access to the services and/or access to the application.
- Not reuse all or part of the application and services, especially for unauthorized commercial and/or collective purposes by the company.
- Not use the services provided by the company or the data accessible through these services for commercial and/or personal purposes in an unauthorized manner by the company.
- Not reproduce or represent all or part of the application for personal purposes.
- Not restrict access and use of the application and/or services.
- Not modify, including in cache or temporary memory, any element of the services and/or content of the application.
- Not use the email or postal addresses of other users for marketing purposes or "spam."
- Use the application only for the advertised purposes and respect property rights, avoiding publishing protected content without authorization.

5.2 Company Guarantees:
The company strives to provide the User with access to various services to assist them in their projects. The User acknowledges that the company cannot guarantee the following results:
- Rental or rental requests for properties that the User decides to consult on the application.
- Responses to their requests for contact with real estate partners who have posted rental property advertisements/requests.
- Features available in packages or individually in the real estate field offered through the application.
- Responses to the specific needs of the User.
- Reliability and relevance of the information provided by real estate partners and/or users on the application.

The company is not responsible for the quality of the estimates of rental amounts made by the User via the services of the application. The company does not assume any responsibility for the reliability and/or adequacy of the information provided by real estate partners and/or users on the application, as they are published under their full responsibility.

The company strives to serve as a communication platform between the different users of the application offering their services through it. The company does not guarantee the establishment of a contractual relationship between users. Finally, as the company does not engage in credit activities, its intervention is limited to facilitating communication between users within its application.

Article 6: Complaints and Technical Support

For any technical information or concerning the operation of the services available via the mobile application, the User should refer to the "Contact Us" section available on the mobile application and/or address their complaint to the contact details mentioned in Article 1.3 of this Charter.

Article 7: Intellectual Property

7.1 Copyright on the company's mobile application:
The company owns or holds the intellectual property rights to the general structure of the mobile application and its content (texts, logos, graphics, images, videos, and other content). Therefore, any representation or reproduction, partial or total, of the mobile application and/or its content and/or services, by any means and on any medium, without prior and express authorization from the company, is prohibited and constitutes a violation of copyright.

Similarly, any unauthorized use of the mobile application and/or its content and/or services engages the user's civil and criminal liability for copyright infringement.

7.2 Trademarks:
Trademarks, logos, company names, abbreviations, trade names, and/or domain names mentioned on the mobile application are protected trademarks. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of these trademarks without prior and express authorization from the owner is prohibited and constitutes a violation of trademark rights.

7.3 Databases:
The User irrevocably acknowledges that the mobile application and services consist of one or more databases provided by the company as the producer of these databases. Any extraction or reuse, total or partial, of the databases is prohibited without prior authorization from the company.

7.4 Content of services:*
The User acknowledges that access to the mobile application and the services provided by the company does not involve any transfer of intellectual property rights. Access to services is limited to the User's private and personal use, in accordance with the terms of this Charter. Any collective use, reproduction, representation, retail sale, exchange, rental, transfer to third parties, modification, adaptation, correction of the services, whether free or for a fee, of all or part of the mobile application, services, and their content is prohibited.

Article 8: Personal Data Protection

8.1 Personal data:
8.1.1 Nature of personal data collected:
The personal data of the User collected by the company may include:
- Their name and surname
- Their postal address
- Their email address
- Their IP address
- Their unique identifier and password

8.1.2 Data controller:
The data controller for the User's personal data is the company, whose contact details are specified in Article 1.2 of this Charter.

8.1.3 Purpose of processing:
The User's personal data collected and processed by the company aims to allow the company to:
- Establish general statistics on traffic on the mobile site and its various sections.
- Send email responses to various information requests made by the User.
- Send newsletters by email to the User about the evolution of the application and its various sections.
- Transmit requests made by the User to partners selected by the company.

8.1.4 Legal basis of processing:
The processing of personal data is based on the User's explicit consent, as provided by Article 7 of Law No. 07-18 of June 10, 2018, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. By using the application, the User explicitly consents to the processing of their personal data by the company. In case of withdrawal of their consent, the User must close their account.

8.2 Rights of opposition, access, rectification, and deletion:
8.2.1 User's rights:
The User has the following
rights at any time:
- Object to the processing of their personal data within the framework of the services provided by the company.
- Object to the transfer of their personal data to third parties.
- Access all their personal data processed within the framework of the services provided by the company.
- Rectify, update, and delete their personal data processed within the framework of the services provided by the company.

8.2.2 Exercising user rights:
To exercise their rights, the User must send a message to the company specifying their identity (name, surname, email address) and attaching a copy of their identity card, to the contact details mentioned in Article 1.2 of this Charter.

8.3 Security and archiving of personal data:
The company undertakes to treat the User's personal data with complete confidentiality and to take all reasonable measures necessary to secure and protect the personal data of the users of its Krello mobile application, which are collected and processed by it. All the User's personal data are archived electronically for the duration of their registration on the Krello application and are deleted upon the termination of their registration.

Article 9: Newsletter

The company reserves the right to send or have its service providers send, commercial information to the User by postal mail and/or email, unless the User objects. The company may also exploit and transmit the User's personal data to third parties, including market research companies or survey institutes, exclusively for study and analysis purposes, or to third-party companies as part of joint or separate commercial offers sent by postal mail and/or email.

Article 10: Cookies

The company uses cookies on its Krello application. Cookies are information related to the User's browsing on the application, allowing the identification of the pages they have viewed, as well as the dates and times of consultation. These cookies never allow the company to personally identify the User. The storage duration of these cookies in the User's mobile application is one month. However, the User is informed that they have the option to oppose the registration of these cookies, particularly by configuring their mobile application accordingly.

Article 11: Miscellaneous Provisions

11.1 Agreement of the Charter:
This Charter expresses all the obligations of the company and the User. The fact that one of the parties does not demand the application of any clause of this Charter cannot be considered a waiver of the rights it holds under that clause.

11.2 Partial nullity:
If one or more provisions of this Charter are declared null or considered unwritten in application of a law, regulation, or following a final decision of a competent court, the other provisions shall retain their full force and effect, unless the invalid provisions are essential and their disappearance would upset the contractual balance.

11.3 Applicable law and dispute resolution:
This Charter is governed by Algerian law. In the event of a dispute regarding the application, interpretation, validity, and execution of this Charter, and in the absence of an amicable agreement between the parties, the Algerian courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.

By using this application, you agree to all the terms and conditions of this Charter.

The use of this website implies acceptance of the General Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

©2024 Krello. All rights reserved.